
But it isn’t them that I think of. It is her. It has always been her.

thinking of how we would visit these places together. thinking of how i would study her features. thinking how often i flush in front of her. thinking of her laughter when i do a silly dance. thinking of doing silly dances together.

It wasn’t them.

It has never been them.


As youths,
time is our only currency.

Nothing is in our bank accounts,

Where do you choose to invest your time
when time is all you have?

Would you rather spend your youth building up your distant future
or indulging in your instant pleasures?

Is my future at stake
when I spend my youth
for youth’s sake?

Build your resume,
join the paper chase.
but do these words
define me?
define my character?
define who I am suppose to be?

What if I spent my time
undoing my blindfold,
seeing the world,
& let my soul grow?

Continue reading “Youths”